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MultiVIEW is a fully automated Microwave Digestion System able to digest up-to 12 samples – of any type simultaneously – per rack. Pre-programmed with EPA Methods 3015A, 3051A, and 3052.
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Lemari Asam dengan sistem kontrol yang mengutamakan keamanan
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The Sample Handler provides ICP/ICP-MS labs with the capability to perform other tedious liquid handling operations
specific to your labs’ workflow applications.
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Oil standards are used extensively in the calibration and operation of instruments that analyze elements in oil other organic fluids.
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Ultra Purified Water System
Super-Genie systems are suitable for those who need pure water in high quality and large quantity, designed for a single lab facility or several labs with production up to 7000 L daily.
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Bio Safety – AMAN
AMAN didesain dengan teknologi tinggi,bentuk yang menarik, sistem keamanan yang terkontrol dan selalu termonitor berdasarkan rekomendasi dari EN 12469
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We provide chemical, microbiology, environment and general laboratory equipment. Find out more of our products and sign up for newsletter
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Jalan Boulevard Selatan Sinpasa B10, Sumarecom – Bekasi. Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
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PT. Labolytic Periferal indonesia
Jalan Boulevard Selatan Sinpasa B10, Sumarecon – Bekasi. Jawa Barat, Indonesia.