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MultiVIEW is a fully automated Microwave Digestion System able to digest up-to 12 samples – of any type simultaneously – per rack. Pre-programmed with EPA Methods 3015A, 3051A, and 3052.

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Lemari Asam dengan sistem kontrol yang mengutamakan keamanan

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[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”43″ position_x=”100″ position_y=”70″]


The Sample Handler provides ICP/ICP-MS labs with the capability to perform other tedious liquid handling operations
specific to your labs’ workflow applications.

[ux_image id=”1562″ width=”20″ margin=”-27px 0px 0px 0px” position_x=”80″ position_y=”30″]

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[text_box width=”41″ position_x=”5″ position_y=”80″]

Oil standards are used extensively in the calibration and operation of  instruments that analyze elements in oil other organic fluids.

[ux_image id=”1548″ width=”21″ position_x=”5″ position_y=”50″]

[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”1379″]

[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”39″ scale=”91″ margin=”21px -24px 0px 0px” padding=”53px 0px 0px 0px” position_x=”95″ position_y=”75″ text_align=”left”]

Ultra Purified Water System

Super-Genie systems are suitable for those who need pure water in high quality and large quantity, designed for a single lab facility or several labs with production up to 7000 L daily.

[ux_image id=”1565″ width=”21″ position_x=”95″ position_y=”35″]

[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”1655″]

[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”40″ width__sm=”60″ position_x=”95″ position_y=”50″ text_align=”right”]

Bio Safety  – AMAN

AMAN didesain dengan teknologi tinggi,bentuk yang menarik, sistem keamanan yang terkontrol dan selalu termonitor berdasarkan rekomendasi dari EN 12469

[ux_image id=”1659″ width=”13″ position_x=”75″ position_y=”15″]


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our products

We provide chemical, microbiology, environment and general laboratory equipment. Find out more of our products and sign up for newsletter

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get in touch

Jalan Boulevard Selatan Sinpasa B10, Sumarecom – Bekasi. Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

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PT. Labolytic Periferal indonesia

Jalan Boulevard Selatan Sinpasa B10, Sumarecon – Bekasi. Jawa Barat, Indonesia.


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[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”42″ width__sm=”60″ scale=”98″ position_x=”100″ position_y=”85″]


MultiVIEW is a fully automated Microwave Digestion System able to digest up-to 12 samples – of any type simultaneously – per rack. Pre-programmed with EPA Methods 3015A, 3051A, and 3052.

[button text=”Read More” letter_case=”lowercase” radius=”99″ link=”https://labolyticperiferal.com/products/”]

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[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”40″ width__sm=”60″ position_x=”95″ position_y=”50″ text_align=”right”]


Lemari Asam dengan sistem kontrol yang mengutamakan keamanan

[ux_image id=”1659″ image_size=”large” width=”13″ position_x=”75″ position_y=”20″]

[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”1629″]

[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”43″ position_x=”100″ position_y=”70″]


The Sample Handler provides ICP/ICP-MS labs with the capability to perform other tedious liquid handling operations
specific to your labs’ workflow applications.

[ux_image id=”1562″ width=”20″ margin=”-27px 0px 0px 0px” position_x=”80″ position_y=”30″]

[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”1546″]

[text_box width=”41″ position_x=”5″ position_y=”80″]

Oil standards are used extensively in the calibration and operation of  instruments that analyze elements in oil other organic fluids.

[ux_image id=”1548″ width=”21″ position_x=”5″ position_y=”50″]

[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”1379″]

[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”39″ scale=”91″ margin=”21px -24px 0px 0px” padding=”53px 0px 0px 0px” position_x=”95″ position_y=”75″ text_align=”left”]

Ultra Purified Water System

Super-Genie systems are suitable for those who need pure water in high quality and large quantity, designed for a single lab facility or several labs with production up to 7000 L daily.

[ux_image id=”1565″ width=”21″ position_x=”95″ position_y=”35″]

[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”1655″]

[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”40″ width__sm=”60″ position_x=”95″ position_y=”50″ text_align=”right”]

Bio Safety  – AMAN

AMAN didesain dengan teknologi tinggi,bentuk yang menarik, sistem keamanan yang terkontrol dan selalu termonitor berdasarkan rekomendasi dari EN 12469

[ux_image id=”1659″ width=”13″ position_x=”75″ position_y=”15″]


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our products

We provide chemical, microbiology, environment and general laboratory equipment. Find out more of our products and sign up for newsletter

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get in touch

Jalan Boulevard Selatan Sinpasa B10, Sumarecom – Bekasi. Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

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[map lat=”-6.22938″ long=”107.00002″ content_width__sm=”100″ content_width__md=”40″ position_x__sm=”100″ position_y__sm=”100″ color=”#143110″]

PT. Labolytic Periferal indonesia

Jalan Boulevard Selatan Sinpasa B10, Sumarecon – Bekasi. Jawa Barat, Indonesia.



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Labolytic Periferal Indonesia (LPI) established in 2017. The company is managed by professionals with 15 years experience in trading and service as well as Laboratory Equipment.

We provide leader brands of products for wide range customers and applications in Life Science,  Analytical, and Furniture Laboratorium. With experienced team we commit to serve our customers with complete solution and excellent services.



Being a trusted ( Amanah) company of life Science, Scientific, Laboratory Equipment, Lab Furniture, and Custom Products.


High Commitment in after sales service

Provide top quality products with competitive price and fully guaranteed with the best service

Open communication and proactive to give suggestion and alternate solution according to the customer request and need



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[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”42″ width__sm=”60″ scale=”98″ position_x=”100″ position_y=”85″]


MultiVIEW is a fully automated Microwave Digestion System able to digest up-to 12 samples – of any type simultaneously – per rack. Pre-programmed with EPA Methods 3015A, 3051A, and 3052.

[button text=”Read More” letter_case=”lowercase” radius=”99″ link=”https://labolyticperiferal.com/products/”]

[ux_image id=”1562″ width=”25″ position_x=”85″ position_y=”25″]

[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”1648″ bg_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)” bg_overlay=”rgba(190, 190, 190, 0.2)”]

[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”40″ width__sm=”60″ position_x=”95″ position_y=”50″ text_align=”right”]


Lemari Asam dengan sistem kontrol yang mengutamakan keamanan

[ux_image id=”1659″ image_size=”large” width=”13″ position_x=”75″ position_y=”20″]

[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”1629″]

[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”43″ position_x=”100″ position_y=”70″]


The Sample Handler provides ICP/ICP-MS labs with the capability to perform other tedious liquid handling operations
specific to your labs’ workflow applications.

[ux_image id=”1562″ width=”20″ margin=”-27px 0px 0px 0px” position_x=”80″ position_y=”30″]

[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”1546″]

[text_box width=”41″ position_x=”5″ position_y=”80″]

Oil standards are used extensively in the calibration and operation of  instruments that analyze elements in oil other organic fluids.

[ux_image id=”1548″ width=”21″ position_x=”5″ position_y=”50″]

[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”1379″]

[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”39″ scale=”91″ margin=”21px -24px 0px 0px” padding=”53px 0px 0px 0px” position_x=”95″ position_y=”75″ text_align=”left”]

Ultra Purified Water System

Super-Genie systems are suitable for those who need pure water in high quality and large quantity, designed for a single lab facility or several labs with production up to 7000 L daily.

[ux_image id=”1565″ width=”21″ position_x=”95″ position_y=”35″]

[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”1655″]

[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”40″ width__sm=”60″ position_x=”95″ position_y=”50″ text_align=”right”]

Bio Safety  – AMAN

AMAN didesain dengan teknologi tinggi,bentuk yang menarik, sistem keamanan yang terkontrol dan selalu termonitor berdasarkan rekomendasi dari EN 12469

[ux_image id=”1659″ width=”13″ position_x=”75″ position_y=”15″]


[message_box bg_color=”rgb(5, 96, 2)” padding=”25″]

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our products

We provide chemical, microbiology, environment and general laboratory equipment. Find out more of our products and sign up for newsletter

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[logo img=”850″ height=”40px” link=”https://www.majorsci.com/” target=”_blank”]

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get in touch

Jalan Boulevard Selatan Sinpasa B10, Sumarecom – Bekasi. Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

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[map lat=”-6.22938″ long=”107.00002″ content_width__sm=”100″ content_width__md=”40″ position_x__sm=”100″ position_y__sm=”100″ color=”#143110″]

PT. Labolytic Periferal indonesia

Jalan Boulevard Selatan Sinpasa B10, Sumarecon – Bekasi. Jawa Barat, Indonesia.


Contact Us

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[map lat=”-6.22938″ long=”107.00002″ content_width=”29″ content_width__sm=”100″ content_width__md=”40″ position_x=”100″ position_x__sm=”100″ position_y__sm=”100″ controls=”true” color=”#124320″]

PT. Labolytic Periferal indonesia

Jalan Boulevard Selatan Sinpasa B10, Sumarecon – Bekasi. Jawa Barat, Indonesia.


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e-mail  : info@labolyticperiferal.com

Phone : +62 21 295 722 52

